Foreword (HOME) Introduction Coexistense

Historically, the success and endurance of any nascent, democratic republic has been contingent on its citizens' acceptance — as well as their allegiance to a "covenant of coexistense".

COEXISTENSE is Democracy's sine qua non!  It is a tacit agreement made by the members of a society who, despite their differences, are willing to coexist peacefully.  They understand that, without such an agreement, a democracy cannot endure.

It is such a covenant of coexistense that, despite a few "bumps on the road", has been the glue that has bonded our democracy for the greater part of the last 2½ centuries — and made our nation the envied, world-respected, Arsenal of Democracy which saved Europe from the Axis Powers' tyranny in World War II!

Unfortunatelly, our nation's multiethnicity, multireligious groups, quasi-tribal partisanship and its plethora of diverse personal interests and/or grievances pose extremely serious impediments to the endurance of America's, long-lived, covenant of coexistense.

Realistically, these impediments to our tacit "covenant", which has kept our nation secure for the greater part of 250 years, will not disappear on their own or be "talked-away" with wishful, well-meaning words!

In fact, "restoring" our democracy's critically-indispensable, peaceful state of coexistense, requires acceptance of the following:

The provenance of, and the and the methods to ameliorate, the factors that contribute to its . 


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